Dick Fight! Yeah! I said it.
The worst executive fight you can have….really at any level.
Where the disagreement has long passed, anything relevant, meaningful, or REAL.
It is just an argument of will and EGOs.
We have all been there.
Sucked into the battle over….generally nothing.
Some of us just whip ours out and jump into fights because we like fighting.
But Dick Fighting accomplishes NOTHING.
In fact, it demoralizes the team like nothing else.
Because it is not based on fact or reality.
It is emotions.
And when you start leading with emotions….
The wheels come off.
As an Amazon veteran and survivor of a few Bezos attacks.
I can tell you there is a difference between being passionate and pushing for the best…
And being a ….
So what is the difference?
To quote the great Brene Brown, “We are here to GET IT RIGHT. Not BE RIGHT.”
The language is subtle, but the meaning is huge.
It is not about you. It is about the process and the goal.
So, the next time you go to reach down and pull out your little friend…
Ask yourself,
Am I trying to BE right or GET IT right?
And also, just a little personal advice, you might want to look around the room…
You might not have the biggest one.